Human Body Subject Index
Subject Index
- I. Embryology
- II. Osteology
- III. Syndesmology
- IV. Myology
- V. Angiology
- VI. The Arteries
- VII. The Veins
- VIII. The Lymphatic System
- IX. Neurology
- X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument
- XI. Splanchnology
- XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings
- apertures in walls of: The Abdomen
- boundaries of: The Abdomen
- fascia of: The Muscles and Fasciae; of the Abdomen
- triangular: The Muscles and Fasciae; of the Abdomen
- lymph glands of: The Lymphatics of the Abdomen and Pelvis
- muscles of: The Muscles and Fasciae; of the Abdomen
- actions of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
- nerves of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
- regions of: The Abdomen
- surface anatomy of: Surface Anatomy of the Abdomen
- markings of: Surface Markings of the Abdomen
Abdominal aorta: The Abdominal Aorta
- branches of: The Abdominal Aorta
- surface markings of: Surface Markings of the Abdomen
- aortic plexus: The Great Plexuses of the Sympathetic System
- muscles: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
- ring, deep: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
- external: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
- inguinal: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
- internal: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
- wall, lymphatic vessels of: The Lymphatics of the Abdomen and Pelvis
Abducent nerve: The Abducent Nerve
- composition and central connections of: Composition and Central Connections of the Spinal Nerves
Abductor digiti quinti muscle (foot): The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Foot
- actions of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Foot
- nerves of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Foot
- variations of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Foot
- (hand): The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- actions of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- nerves of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- variations of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- hallucis muscle: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Foot
- actions of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Foot
- nerves of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Foot
- variations of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Foot
- indicis muscle: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- minimi digiti muscle: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- pollicis brevis muscle: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- actions of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- nerves of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- variations of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- longus muscle: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Forearm
- actions of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- nerves of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- variations of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Forearm
- muscle: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
Aberrant ducts of testis: The Vesiculæ Seminales
Abnormalities of vertebral column: The Thorax
Accelerator urinæ muscle: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Perineum
Accessory hemiazygos vein: The Veins of the Upper Extremity and Thorax
- nerve: The Accessory Nerve
- composition and central connections of: Composition and Central Connections of the Spinal Nerves
- cranial part of: The Accessory Nerve
- spinal part of: The Accessory Nerve
- obturator nerve: The Lumbosacral Plexus
- olivary nuclei: The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
- organs of digestive tube: The Digestive Apparatus
- of eye: The Accessory Organs of the Eye
- pancreatic duct: The Pancreas
- part of parotid gland: The Mouth
- processes: The Sacral and Coccygeal Vertebræ
- pudendal artery: The Common Iliac Arteries
- sinuses of nose: The Organ of Smell
Accessory spleens: The Spleen
- thyroid glands: The Ductless Glands
Acetabular fossa: The Hip Bone
- notch: The Hip Bone
Acetabulum: The Hip Bone
Achromatic spindle: Embryology
Acoustic meatus, external: The Temporal Bone
The Exterior of the Skull
The External Ear- development of: The External Ear
- internal:
The Temporal Bone
The Interior of the Skull- nerve:
The Acoustic Nerve
The External Ear- composition and central connections of: Composition and Central Connections of the Spinal Nerves
- development of: The External Ear
Acromioclavicular joint: Acromioclavicular Articulation- nuclei of:
The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
The Glossopharyngeal Nerve
- movements of: Acromioclavicular Articulation
Acromion: The Scapula (Shoulder Blade)- surface anatomy of:
Surface Anatomy of the Upper Extremity
Surface Markings of the Upper Extremity
Acromiothoracic artery: The Axilla
Adamantoblasts: The Mouth
Adductor brevis muscle: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Thigh
- actions of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Thigh
- nerves of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Thigh
- variations of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Thigh
- canal: The Arteries of the Lower Extremity
- hallucis muscle: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Foot
- actions of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Foot
- nerves of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Foot
- variations of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Foot
- longus muscle: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Thigh
- actions of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Thigh
- nerves of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Thigh
- variations of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Thigh
- magnus muscle: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Thigh
- actions of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Thigh
- nerves of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Thigh
- variations of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Thigh
- minimus muscle: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Thigh
- obliquus hallucis muscle: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Foot
- pollicis muscle: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- pollicis muscles, actions of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- nerves of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- variations of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- obliquus muscle: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- transversus muscle: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- transversus pollicis muscle: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- tubercle: The Femur
Adipose capsule of kidney: The Urinary Organs
Adminiculum lineæ albæ: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
Adrenal capsule: The Chromaphil and Cortical Systems
- gland, lymphatic capillaries in: The Lymphatic System
Adrenalin: The Chromaphil and Cortical Systems
Afferent nerves: Neurology
- vessels of kidney: The Urinary Organs
After-birth: Development of the Fetal Membranes and Placenta
Agger nasi: The Maxillæ (Upper Jaw)
Aggregated lymphatic nodules: The Small Intestine
Agminated follicles: The Small Intestine
Air cells, ethmoidal: Ethmoid bone
The Organ of Smell- mastoid: The Temporal Bone
- sinuses of nose: The Organ of Smell
- of skull: Osteology
Ala cinerea: The Mid-brain or Mesencephalon
- lobuli centralis: The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
- nasi: The Organ of Smell
- oss. ilii: The Hip Bone
Alæ of ethmoid: Ethmoid bone
- of sacrum: The Sacral and Coccygeal Vertebræ
- of vomer: The Vomer
Alar cartilages of nose: The Organ of Smell
- lamina: Development of the Nervous System
Alcock, canal of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Pelvis
Alimentary canal: The Digestive Apparatus
- lymphatic capillaries in: The Lymphatic System
Allantoic vessels: Development of the Fetal Membranes and Placenta
Allantois: Development of the Fetal Membranes and Placenta
Alveolar arch: The Maxillæ (Upper Jaw)
- arteries: The External Carotid Artery
- border of mandible: The Mandible (Lower Jaw)
- canals: The Maxillæ (Upper Jaw)
- index: The Interior of the Skull
- nerves:
The Trigeminal Nerve
- point:
The Maxillæ (Upper Jaw)
The Interior of the Skull- process of maxilla: The Maxillæ (Upper Jaw)
Alveoli, formation of: The Mouth
Amacrine cells of retina: The Tunics of the EyeAlveus: The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
Amnion: Development of the Fetal Membranes and Placenta
- false: Development of the Fetal Membranes and Placenta
Amniotic cavity: Development of the Fetal Membranes and Placenta
- ectoderm: Development of the Fetal Membranes and Placenta
- fold: Development of the Fetal Membranes and Placenta
Amphiarthroses: Classification of Joints
Ampulla of ductus deferens: The Vesiculæ Seminales
- rectal: The Large Intestine
- of uterine tube: The Uterine Tube
- of Vater: The Pancreas
Ampullæ of semicircular canals: The Internal Ear or Labyrinth
- of tubuli lactiferi: The Mammæ
Amygdala: The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
Amygdaline nucleus: The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
Amygdaloid nucleus: Composition and Central Connections of the Spinal Nerves
Anal canal or anal part of rectum: The Large Intestine
- development of: The Digestive Apparatus
- lymphatic vessels of: The Lymphatics of the Abdomen and Pelvis
- membrane of: The Mouth
- valves of: The Large Intestine
- fascia: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Pelvis
Anaphase of karyokinesis: Embryology
Anastomoses of arteries: The Arteries
- around elbow-joint: The Radial Artery
- knee-joint: The Anterior Tibial Artery
- crucial: The Arteries of the Lower Extremity
Anastomotic branch of inferior gluteal artery: The Common Iliac Arteries
Anastomotica magna of brachial artery: The Radial Artery
- of femoral artery: The Popliteal Fossa
Anatomical neck of humerus: The Humerus
Anconæus muscle: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Forearm
- actions of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- nerves of: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
Angiology: Angiology
Angle of Louis: The Sternum
The Tunics of the Eye- of mandible: The Mandible (Lower Jaw)
- of pubis: The Hip Bone
- of rib: The Ribs
- sacrovertebral: The Sacral and Coccygeal Vertebræ
- of sternum: The Sternum
- subscapular: The Scapula (Shoulder Blade)
Angular artery: The External Carotid Artery
- gyrus: The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
- movement: The Kind of Movement Admitted in Joints
Angular vein: The Veins of the Head and Neck
Angulus Ludovici: The Sternum
Animal cell: Embryology
Ankle bone: The Tarsus
Ankle-joint: Talocrural Articulation or Ankle-joint
- movements of: Talocrural Articulation or Ankle-joint
- relations of tendons and vessels to: Talocrural Articulation or Ankle-joint
- surface anatomy of: Surface Anatomy of the Lower Extremity
- markings of: Surface Markings of the Lower Extremity
Annular ligament: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- of ankle:
The Fasciæ Around the Ankle
- of radius: Radioulnar Articulation
- of wrist, anterior: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- posterior: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
Annulus fibrosus[of intervertebral fibrocartilage]: Articulations of the Vertebral Column
- inguinalis abdominis: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
- subcutaneus: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
- ovalis: The Heart
- tendineus communis: The Accessory Organs of the Eye
Anococcygeal body: The Large Intestine
- nerves: The Sympathetic Nerves
- raphé: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Perineum
Ansa hypoglossi: The Anterior Divisions
- lentiformis:
The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
- subclavia[Vieusseni]: The Thoracic Portion of the Sympathetic System
Anterior annular ligament: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
The Fasciæ Around the Ankle- basis bundle: The Spinal Cord or Medulla Spinalis
- calcaneoastragaloid ligament: Intertarsal Articulations
- circumflex artery: The Brachial Artery
- common ligament: Articulations of the Vertebral Column
- condyloid foramen: The Occipital Bone
- cornu of medulla spinalis: The Spinal Cord or Medulla Spinalis
- costovertebral ligament: Costovertebral Articulations
- crural nerve: The Lumbosacral Plexus
- inferior ligament: Articulations between the Tibia and Fibula
- intercostal arteries: The Subclavian Artery
- interosseous artery: The Ulnar Artery
- nerve: The Anterior Divisions
- ligament: Radiocarpal Articulation or Wrist-joint
- perforated substance: Composition and Central Connections of the Spinal Nerves
- peroneal artery: The Posterior Tibial Artery
- pillar of fauces: The Fauces
- pillars of fornix: The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
- pulmonary nerves: The Accessory Nerve
- radial carpal artery: The Radial Artery
- radioulnar ligament: Radioulnar Articulation
- superior dental nerve: The Trigeminal Nerve
- ligament:
Costovertebral Articulations
Articulations between the Tibia and Fibula- talotibial ligament: Talocrural Articulation or Ankle-joint
- temporal artery: The External Carotid Artery
- tibial nerve: The Sacral and Coccygeal Nerves
- ulnar carpal artery: The Descending Aorta
Antero-lateral fasciculas, superficial: Composition and Central Connections of the Spinal Nerves
- ganglionic arteries: The Internal Carotid Artery
- muscles of abdomen: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
Antero-medial ganglionic arteries: The Internal Carotid Artery
Antibrachial fascia: The Muscles and Fasciae of the Forearm
- cutaneous nerve, dorsal: The Thoracic Nerves
- lateral: The Anterior Divisions
- medial: The Anterior Divisions
Anticubital fossa: The Brachial Artery
Antihelix: The External Ear
Antitragicus muscle: The External Ear
Antitragus: The External Ear
Antrum cardiacum: The Stomach
- of Highmore:
The Maxillæ (Upper Jaw)
The Organ of Smell- pyloric:
The Stomach
- tympanic:
The Temporal Bone
The Middle Ear or Tympanic Cavity- entrance to: The Middle Ear or Tympanic Cavity
Anus: The Digestive Apparatus
The Large Intestine- lymphatic vessels of: The Lymphatics of the Abdomen and Pelvis
Aorta: The Aorta
- abdominal: The Abdominal Aorta
- branches of: The Abdominal Aorta
- abdominalis: The Abdominal Aorta
- arch of: The Aorta
- branches of: The Aorta
- peculiarities of: The Aorta
- of branches of: The Aorta
Aorta ascendens: The Aorta
- ascending: The Aorta
- bulb of: The Aorta
- coarctation of: The Aorta
- descending: The Descending Aorta
- thoracalis: The Descending Aorta
- rami mediastinales: The Descending Aorta
- pericardiaci: The Descending Aorta
- thoracic: The Descending Aorta
- branches of: The Descending Aorta
- transverse: The Aorta
Aortæ, anterior ventral: Development of the Vascular System
- dorsal: Development of the Vascular System
- primitive: Development of the Vascular System
Aortic arches: Development of the Vascular System
- bodies: The Chromaphil and Cortical Systems
- glands:
The Ductless Glands
The Chromaphil and Cortical Systems- hiatus: The Muscles of the Thorax
- isthmus:
Development of the Vascular System
The Aorta- lymph glands: The Lymphatics of the Abdomen and Pelvis
- opening of heart: The Heart
- plexus: The Great Plexuses of the Sympathetic System
- semilunar valves: The Heart
- septum: Development of the Vascular System
- sinuses: The Heart
- spindle: The Aorta
- vestibule: The Heart
Aorticorenal ganglion: The Great Plexuses of the Sympathetic System
Apertura pelvis[minoris] inferior: The Pelvis
- superior: The Pelvis
- tympanica canaliculi chordæ: The Middle Ear or Tympanic Cavity
Aperture, anterior nasal: The Interior of the Skull
Apertures in walls of abdomen: The Abdomen
Apex cordis: The Heart
- of fibula: The Fibula
- of heart: The Heart
- linguæ: The Mouth
- of nose: The Organ of Smell
- oss. sacri: The Sacral and Coccygeal Vertebræ
- prostatæ: The Prostate
- pulmonis: The Lungs
Aponeurosis: Tendons, Aponeuroses, and Fasciæ
- epicranial: The Muscles of the Eyelid
- lumbar: The Deep Muscles of the Back
- of obliquus externus: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
- palatine: The Fauces
- palmar: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- palmaris: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
- pharyngeal: The Pharynx
- plantar: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Foot
- plantaris: The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Foot
- suprahyoid: The Supra- and Infrahyoid Muscles
Apparatus digestorius: The Digestive Apparatus
- lacrimalis: The Accessory Organs of the Eye
- respiratorius: Splanchnology
- urogenitalis: The Urogenital Apparatus
Appendages of testis: The Male Genital Organs
Appendices epiploicæ: The Abdomen
- vesiculosæ: The Uterine Tube
Appendicular artery: The Abdominal Aorta
- skeleton: Osteology
Appendix, auricular, left: The Heart
- right: The Heart
- ensiform: The Sternum
- of epididymis: The Male Genital Organs
- of testis: The Male Genital Organs
- of ventricle of larynx: The Larynx
- ventriculi laryngis: The Larynx
- vermiform: The Large Intestine
- xiphoid: The Sternum
Aquæductus cerebri: The Mid-brain or Mesencephalon
- cochleæ:
The Temporal Bone
The Occipital Bone
The Exterior of the Skull- Fallopii: The Temporal Bone
- vestibuli: The Temporal Bone
Aqueduct, cerebral: The Mid-brain or Mesencephalon
- of cochlea: The Temporal Bone
Aqueous humor: The Refracting Media- of Sylvius:
The Brain or Encephalon
The Mid-brain or Mesencephalon
Arachnoid: The Meninges of the Brain and Medulla Spinalis
- granulations: The Meninges of the Brain and Medulla Spinalis
- structure of: The Meninges of the Brain and Medulla Spinalis
- villi: The Meninges of the Brain and Medulla Spinalis
Arachnoidea encephali: The Meninges of the Brain and Medulla Spinalis
- spinalis: The Meninges of the Brain and Medulla Spinalis